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World Mental Health Day 2020

Updated: Jul 8, 2024

To you, sat frazzled, dazed, with brain fog, unsure of where to turn, what to tackle first and wondering how there is not enough hours in the day!


We can't have you burning out. You are the heart of your organisation. Your the heart of your family. So lets step back and focus on you.

There is no doubt that third sector organisations are under unprecedented amounts of stress due to demand and the loss in funding due to the Covid19 pandemic. Often we then forget behind the organisation, the referrals it receives, the demand it is under, is a manager wondering how to keep everything going and afloat.


Recognise your symptoms

Health - Headaches, stomach issues, sleep problems, tense muscles and skin problems.

Behaviour - Worried, irritated, unable to make clear decisions and no motivation.

Work - Focus of unproductive tasks, unable to cope, feeling overwhelmed with tasks.

It helps to identify the source(s) and then look at what can be done to make things easier.

If workload is causing the stress and pressure. Look at individual tasks and prioritise the top three you need to get done in one day and look at who you can have supporting to share the work load.


As the common saying goes, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Schedule time in your calendar to be away from your desk, away from managing, away from calls and zoom meetings. Yes, I know you might scream, telling me you don't have the time, but you will be more productive, with a clear focused mind.

I have been there myself. Stressed with workload. Stressed with home life. Wondering how I balance between the two. I have a national charity, 183 volunteers, media requests, the complexities of running a peer support mental health service, I was young and never imagined the level of work which was needed when I started the organisation.

Sometimes it can really help to have a place to turn to for support, where you know they is a common ground. This case not for profits.

We have recently launched a private Facebook group to help people just like you.

If you need someone to talk to, we are here for support as well.

Get in touch we are here to help.

Best wishes

Rachael x

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